Pixel Dan visits a private toy collection showcasing rare TMNT action figures

In the video titled “So Many RARE TMNT figs! | Toy Hunting with Pixel Dan,” Pixel Dan takes us on a visit to a private toy collection owned by a lifelong toy collector named Jerry. The collection showcases an impressive array of rare TMNT action figures and other collectibles. From the thrilling display of Warrior Chrome Dome and Warrior Metal Head Mikey figures to the sought-after Chote Shogun Triceraton and trench coat Turtles, Jerry’s collection is a treasure trove for toy enthusiasts. The video ends with a grateful thank you to Jerry for allowing the visit and even gifting Pixel Dan with Metal Mutants Michelangelo feet armor pieces. If you’re a fan of toy hunting and rare TMNT figures, this video is a must-watch.

Overview of the Visit

Pixel Dan recently had the opportunity to visit a private toy collection owned by a lifelong toy collector named Jerry. This collection is truly a sight to behold, as it is filled to the brim with rare and unique toys. In this article, we will explore some of the highlights of Jerry’s collection, with a focus on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) action figures. We will also discuss other collectibles in the collection and the interesting display techniques used by Jerry. At the end of the visit, Pixel Dan expresses his gratitude to Jerry for allowing him to explore his amazing collection.

Introduction to the Collection

As Pixel Dan steps into the incredible room filled with toys, he can’t help but be in awe of the sheer magnitude of Jerry’s collection. The room is a toy lover’s paradise, with shelves upon shelves displaying various action figures, playsets, and other collectible items. However, one section of the collection stands out in particular – Jerry’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collection.

Jerry’s love for the TMNT is evident in the extensive collection of action figures he has amassed over the years. These figures range from the original store-bought TMNT figures to more rare and uncommon pieces. Pixel Dan is especially excited to see the carded Metal Mutants Michelangelo figure, a highly sought-after item among collectors.

TMNT Action Figures

Jerry’s collection of TMNT action figures is a treasure trove for any fan of the franchise. He has managed to acquire some of the most coveted figures, many of which were purchased when they were originally released in stores. Among the standouts in Jerry’s collection are the Warrior Chrome Dome, Warrior Robotic Rocksteady, and Warrior Metal Head Mikey figures. These figures represent unique variants that are highly sought after by collectors.

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In addition to these variants, Jerry also boasts a collection of Chote Shogun Triceraton, Hot Spot, and trench coat Turtles figures. These are considered some of the most sought-after figures in the vintage TMNT toy line. Pixel Dan is amazed by the beauty of these figures and the fact that Jerry was able to purchase them when they were first released.

Pixel Dan visits a private toy collection showcasing rare TMNT action figures

Other Collectibles

While TMNT action figures may be the highlight of Jerry’s collection, he also has an assortment of other collectibles that are equally impressive. One noteworthy addition is the collection of Dark Horse metal miniatures, which are based on the original Mirage comic books and predate the animated series. These miniatures hold a special place in TMNT history and showcase Jerry’s dedication to collecting items that span the entire TMNT franchise.

Jerry’s collection also includes the karate Turtle Warriors bootlegs, giant TMNT figures that are smaller than the official Playmates Giants. These bootleg figures are rare and sought after by collectors, particularly the giant Master Splinter, which was never produced by Playmates Toys. In addition to these items, Jerry has an assortment of Disney figures and a favorite Migo superheroes collection from his childhood.

Interesting Display Techniques

One of the most fascinating aspects of Jerry’s collection is the way he displays his toys. Instead of organizing them by theme or series, Jerry mixes and arranges the toys to create an engaging and dynamic display. He intentionally forces viewers to look everywhere, just like they would at a convention or flea market.

Pixel Dan finds this approach refreshing and exciting. It keeps the viewing experience interesting and allows visitors to discover hidden gems they might have otherwise overlooked. It also reflects Jerry’s passion for sharing his collection and creating an immersive environment for fellow toy enthusiasts.

Video Highlights

In addition to exploring the collection, Pixel Dan highlights a couple of videos during his visit. He includes a ThunderCats commercial from Nacho Batson and a TMNT commercial from SchwayPastCool. These nostalgic advertisements add to the overall experience of the visit and showcase some of the cultural impact these toy lines had during their time.

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Pixel Dan also takes the opportunity to promote his book, “The Toys of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe,” which is available for order. This book delves into the history and impact of the He-Man franchise, offering a comprehensive look at the iconic toys and their significance to both collectors and fans.


Pixel Dan concludes his visit by expressing his gratitude to Jerry for allowing him to explore and document his incredible toy collection. He acknowledges Jerry’s dedication to collecting rare and unique items and highlights the Metal Mutants Michelangelo feet armor pieces he received as a token of appreciation.

Visiting Jerry’s collection has been an extraordinary experience for Pixel Dan, and he hopes that his audience will share in the excitement and appreciate the passion and love that goes into building and curating a collection of this magnitude. Toy collecting is more than just acquiring items; it’s about the stories, memories, and joy that these toys bring to our lives.

Pixel Dan, you are about to embark on a thrilling adventure as you visit a private toy collection that houses an extraordinary assortment of rare TMNT action figures. Prepare to be amazed as you explore this room, which is bursting at the seams with incredible items. Welcome to the enchanting Fortress of Jerritude!

But that’s not all; you will also get a chance to glimpse at some nostalgic commercials that will transport you back in time. Feel the excitement as you watch the ThunderCats Commercial from Nacho Batson and the TMNT commercial from SchwayPastCool. These advertisements will surely awaken fond memories from your childhood.

Before you delve further into this captivating world of collectibles, don’t forget to check out my book, The Toys of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. It’s a must-have for any toy enthusiast like you. You can order it now on Amazon or BBTS.

As you immerse yourself in this awe-inspiring journey, allow the mesmerizing music of VHS Heroes by Punch Deck and Cyber Crime Story by e s c p to create the perfect ambiance. These tracks, promoted by @RoyaltyFreePlanet under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0, will enhance your experience.

And of course, be sure to follow Pixel Dan on social media to stay updated on his latest adventures. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and visit his website for more thrilling content. Get ready to explore the world of rare TMNT figures like never before!